played for 4 matches :o fun eh :p then blablabla ~ and ya ! we had night walk . scary i tell you :o then played the egg game ! fun fun totally :p lots of activity but lazy uhh :p bath at night , scary :s 12 mid night , woke everyone up and started singing birthday song to her . hahas . at night , chat with veronica yixin and airong ! chat till 1 ++ and sleep . woke up at 530 in the morning the next day .
Umbrella Girlfy ! ^(^00^)^
2nd day beach cleaning , group with umbrella girlfy ^(^00^)^ and aqit and veronica ! ^^ fun max i tell you ! we were the last group to reach the finishing point and therefore the whole team was waiting for us :$ wadever ~ LOL . went coaster walk for dunno howw many km ._. walk there and walk back ! leg super sour :(

Lunch at Changi Village with umbrella girlfy , aqit and veronica ! ^^ went walking around and went to a shop to buy bubbles . 4 different colour and the 4 of us got each colour ^^ totally cool ! went somewhere shadey played the bubbles and aqit played with the very cute cat ! :p went back assemble at 1 and bus back sch .

Sleep for whole journey back to sch but keep changing place as the bus was very hot (N) yea , seriously hot :( me and veron keep change place , in the end , we still ended up sitting tgt . hahaha ! back to sch at 1+ shuqun sec reached earlier then the timing :o went up prepared and everything . friendly match next ^^ bbq att night ^^ ! super funn ! coach was seriously funny i tell you ! HAHAHA ! :p campfire night was awesome ! ohya , cum farewell party for mdm sim :( she gonna leave vb after sch reopen. how sad :( had games and prize giving .
Games and everything was well organised ! forfiet and everything was great ! (Y) totally ps adibah and nicole ! omgomgomg ! camp fire night was totally high ! seriously . was shouting here and there :o hahas , realy fun . the 4 of us wer blowing bubbles for entertainment . adibah played it too ! :p cute or wad she ? :p night , bath like usual , and went over to start saying about ghost here and there with cecilia veronica nicole yixin and airong . nicole at there eating chips ._. LOL . we felt so creepy and slept with umbrella girlfy and veronica that night . Ugirlfy was using my phone playing with talking carl and disturb aqit while she was sleeping ! hahahah ! i sleep after awhile and she was still using it dunno till what time , hahas . was tired that night ! :p
this was the kitten that me and sandra keep playing until the bus wan go off already we also dont wan let go of her :(
last day , training for 3 or 4 hours ? debrief and everything got back our letters ! and ya , i specially wants to thanks aqit coz she encourage me when both of us almost gave up on setting :x ahhh , stress ! :( thanks everyone uhh , coz they knew my expression :x and started cheering LOL . after that area cleaning my CuteCuteHongsterGoodFriend have to leave earlier for malaysia :( how sad . training and got lots of mis sharp like what fitri says :p hahas , yea , my knee was like blueblack and cuts and everything :( went up ish to keep everything and slack with Ugirlfy aqit and cecilia ! hahas , played BUBBLES and piano , didnt know cecilia played it :p hahas ! fun totally , bus home with aqit after that ! :D
Our egg ! :D hahaha ! it didnt break at first , but we keep press press then break . i took the newspaper and wrap it :x which doesnt look like its break ~ oops :p HAHAH !
The board for campfire night and mdm sim fare well party.
Sunday , last min decision met zoe at jp. shop around for awhile at zoe doesnt hve the mood and so she went back home . went up to centris to find bi and co . to celebrate darren's birthday in advance . cool or wad ? :x LOL . sad that yanqing wasnt there . hahas , if not like what adrian says romantic ~ gagagaga ! :p okay pictures do talkings im tired :o
Adrian very zidong , they sae short one sit infront he really go sit :x

ohya , the boys were (Y) yesterday ! they started thowing people into the pool after taking picture :x muthu came and gan us :( we went over to tennis court there . then , muthu came and check check . shawyang say there also no water to swim then he started to talk again . i went over to gl him :x oops . adrain say very gl lo :p afiq's girlfriend was great ! we shared alot :p eventhough we dk each other :o we were the only 2 girls out of the 18 teenagers there . okay , shut . adrain was funny :) gonna chat on phone with kwokhui and adrain now ! :D
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