Ahhhh ni mama :( being forced by Amelia gohhhhhh to update my blog :( :(
If I dont update means she also won't updat , FOREVER . Myahhahaa .
Applied Mac with her . But we didn't manage to work tgt at all :( like a sad . But it's okayyyyy , got chance one right :P
Holiday left with 1 more week . Which is back to study . Gonna study real hard . I don't wanna retain ya (: hahaha , lesser time for everything .
Fall sick ahhhhh :(((( Sighhhh .
Okok bye-bye at least I update for the seek of AMELIA GOHJIAPEI :P ♥♥♥♥♥
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
( First Day of School )
everything was no longer the same as before . and i guess it will never be the same anymore . So ya , what are besties really for ? Aren't they suppose to be the one always be there for you and never leave you ? If you ever treated one as your bestfriend why didnt you care about others feeling ? If you ever cherish friendships , you will turn back and knowing that it might be your fault . We tried all ways to save this f/s but are you putting in effort to ?
(Sentosa Trip)
Does it means that your own bestie have new friend and doesn't wan old friends anymore ? Friends friends friends .. So what ? Do they even care about it now ? They can just scold you all they wan pangseh all they want coz they had new friends in their new class . So what if I am in the same class with one of my best ? Does it means that we can be the bestest friend ever ? No we won't be . Coz when some have new friend as company they won't care about the old ones . They will just walk away happily with their new friends . Thinking that they hold their hands walking around swining high , kissing on her cheek , you may think that I'm jealous but actually I'm not but if really think i am then by all means .

(Sentosa Trip)
Coz I know by doing that you're seeking for attention . Yes those were memories , teasing each other , quarreling and stuffs . Scolding each other bitch and calling one and another stupid names . We actually don't mind . Coz we are best friend . You might not treated me as your best but I do . I treated the clique last year as the best . The best clique I ever have together with the 4 boys too . So what about this year , everybody drifted . You have your own friend now to rely on . You'll never need us anymore coz she is your best now . So I actually couldn't care much about it anymore . No point writing it out here . For now I only know that I love my current life .
It's okay , we all have to live without each other one day . I miss everyone of you out there . even till now , yet i miss everything , but who actually cares ? you doesnt coz you have her in your life now . i cant blame her for doing all this , but this is life , you just like trusting people too easily . Surely , i can say that i know you much more better than her ? but maybe to you , you thinks that she understand you the most more than everyone of us in your clique last year , but actually no . aiya , like i say no point anymore (:
Lastly .
I hope this friendship of ours will last till eternity , coz i love her ♥♥♥ She knows me she understands me she cheers me she talks to me she makes me laugh like a mad dog she makes me worried for her she makes me know that she cares . And the person is just her (: Hi Amelia , I love you ♥ muacks muacks :P
This will be the last post for this blog i guess ? or maybe will till i get the interest back (: hehehe goodbye .
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Friday had sports day . After sch > Weijun house > 9head > cab to petrol station > walk to stadium . Sat with Lijun and Veronica all the way . Manage to sneak out with Lijun ite only me kena caught coz of bibi fault .
Walk to 9head with sheena's hello kitty umbrella while the others walk in the rain x.x slack and the other went off . Nanyang cc waited for Chinkeong , cab home @ 8 .
As for sat , woke up early met Nicole and off to sch for student leader investiture rehearsal x.x kinda boring like a waste of my time . Manage to sneak out early with Nicole . Met Yingyu Qiwen and Wilson at 7-11 jp with them after that .
Star fac to bird , waited for bibis . Buzz next the letterbox , star fac then melia cameeeee . Lailai for lunch . Durian empire next . Bibi left first for bible study ?? Studied at durian empire for like 3 hour + plus our chit chat session ^-^ hehehe . Home at 6 ^-^
If you've ever wonder , what if I was to leave one day . Will you bother to give a damn about it ? I don't think so (: I dislike the fact that you didn't care -.-
Walk to 9head with sheena's hello kitty umbrella while the others walk in the rain x.x slack and the other went off . Nanyang cc waited for Chinkeong , cab home @ 8 .
As for sat , woke up early met Nicole and off to sch for student leader investiture rehearsal x.x kinda boring like a waste of my time . Manage to sneak out early with Nicole . Met Yingyu Qiwen and Wilson at 7-11 jp with them after that .
Star fac to bird , waited for bibis . Buzz next the letterbox , star fac then melia cameeeee . Lailai for lunch . Durian empire next . Bibi left first for bible study ?? Studied at durian empire for like 3 hour + plus our chit chat session ^-^ hehehe . Home at 6 ^-^
If you've ever wonder , what if I was to leave one day . Will you bother to give a damn about it ? I don't think so (: I dislike the fact that you didn't care -.-
Sunday, April 10, 2011
What are friends ?
Now I know friends come and go . Only true friends stay by your side . Who really are you true friends ? Who are those truly know what happen to you , those who used to care doesn't really care anymore coz all had their own new friends and not bother their old friends . Why can't people forgive an forget easily ??
Forget the past , I know it's difficult but somehow we have to . If we don't , the world will be full of hated and we won't have friends , and ya just forgive and forget , be back friend ??? Why can't you all do that ? Since all likes the past and wants the happy memories to stay and continue just forgive la , so difficult meh ?
Being friends of your friend , it's difficult to make decisions on who where how why what to do . Fucking difficult dude . not trying to refer to anyone here but the fact . Really wasn't fruit to refer to anyone . You guys might not care anymore but still I think that in your heart you truly care . No matter what , friends are still friends , no matter what they we are still friends after all (:
Forget the past , I know it's difficult but somehow we have to . If we don't , the world will be full of hated and we won't have friends , and ya just forgive and forget , be back friend ??? Why can't you all do that ? Since all likes the past and wants the happy memories to stay and continue just forgive la , so difficult meh ?
Being friends of your friend , it's difficult to make decisions on who where how why what to do . Fucking difficult dude . not trying to refer to anyone here but the fact . Really wasn't fruit to refer to anyone . You guys might not care anymore but still I think that in your heart you truly care . No matter what , friends are still friends , no matter what they we are still friends after all (:
Friday, April 8, 2011
Sch today , first 2 period free period . Walk around sch with Veronica till both periods end . Back to class have lesson .. Sel make paper crane which make me Pekchek like some dog .
Sch ended at 1240 . Collected keys , rush to 7-11 bought flour . Back to sch for training . Train @ ish till 3 . And I swear most of us were all so fucked up . Yes yes yes . I was upset + disappointed + angry . Really really fucked up .
Sprint 3 rounds continuously with hanis . And continue sprinting non stop . Fucking broke down infront of her . Told her my feelings and everything , seriously keep running round canteen like free .
Run like 10 round like that la , gastric pain until bueytahan , but didn't stop , just run . Keep went behind canteen there kick the railings to vent anger on , yes tgt with hanis . She slit her hand machiam free one lo , and ya ..
Sibeh Pekchek . Training ended at 4 . birthday bash Nicole , pathetic much with flour and then I pour water on her when she is washing herself up . She wanted to give chase but I run away too fast ya ? Went back canteen .
Suddenly like broke down again . Cried even harder than before , yes I'm a cry baby I don't care what you say . Thanks Yingyu , my best friend *winkwink* , for his care :S told he to give me beat to vent anger he jitao say yes without hesitation lo . Like a good :P
And also Veronica , for accompanying me here and there tellin me this and that . Hanis for listening to all my sorrows and craps and nonsense . She know how I feel ): fucking couldnt control my tears when I'm with her , coz I feel so . Aaiyisah and adibah and Aqilah for telling me to cheer up and stuffs . Kkk , I love them seriously . Best teammates ever ♥♥♥
I maybe sensitive and stuffs , think again , who was the one who lead me to all the sensitive thinkings ?
Sch ended at 1240 . Collected keys , rush to 7-11 bought flour . Back to sch for training . Train @ ish till 3 . And I swear most of us were all so fucked up . Yes yes yes . I was upset + disappointed + angry . Really really fucked up .
Sprint 3 rounds continuously with hanis . And continue sprinting non stop . Fucking broke down infront of her . Told her my feelings and everything , seriously keep running round canteen like free .
Run like 10 round like that la , gastric pain until bueytahan , but didn't stop , just run . Keep went behind canteen there kick the railings to vent anger on , yes tgt with hanis . She slit her hand machiam free one lo , and ya ..
Sibeh Pekchek . Training ended at 4 . birthday bash Nicole , pathetic much with flour and then I pour water on her when she is washing herself up . She wanted to give chase but I run away too fast ya ? Went back canteen .
Suddenly like broke down again . Cried even harder than before , yes I'm a cry baby I don't care what you say . Thanks Yingyu , my best friend *winkwink* , for his care :S told he to give me beat to vent anger he jitao say yes without hesitation lo . Like a good :P
And also Veronica , for accompanying me here and there tellin me this and that . Hanis for listening to all my sorrows and craps and nonsense . She know how I feel ): fucking couldnt control my tears when I'm with her , coz I feel so . Aaiyisah and adibah and Aqilah for telling me to cheer up and stuffs . Kkk , I love them seriously . Best teammates ever ♥♥♥
I maybe sensitive and stuffs , think again , who was the one who lead me to all the sensitive thinkings ?
Woke up at 10+ today . Spammed call bibi but fail . Bath and prepare met bibi Chinkeong and nigelac at Jp .
letterbox > Mac > starfac > letterbox > Weijun house > Jp > starfac > letterbox > took 179 rounding to 707 there playground . Slack till 6+ , nigelac went off , left 3 of us went 9head slack .
Slack at playground till 7 , cab home after that (:
. am being force to post by that piggy oinkoink bibi of mine . Torture ah !!! Fake :P
letterbox > Mac > starfac > letterbox > Weijun house > Jp > starfac > letterbox > took 179 rounding to 707 there playground . Slack till 6+ , nigelac went off , left 3 of us went 9head slack .
Slack at playground till 7 , cab home after that (:
. am being force to post by that piggy oinkoink bibi of mine . Torture ah !!! Fake :P
Thursday, April 7, 2011
2e6'10 ♥

really missing my cliques last year . Really really . I really hate this year .. though i might get along well with my classmates now , but still dont really get use to this class . i wan 2e6'10 when all of us were really together , crapping , joking , laughing and teasing each other . yes i miss them ): no matter good or bad .

I miss rashiqah shahila and nina . i miss hanging out with them . i miss my boys + girls clique which consist of me , Amelia , Jade , Rachel , Huixin , Qiwen , Eugene , Yingyu , Joseph . all of us like saperate already lo , all got their own new friends then go with new friends , didnt talk much anymore . really really missing them like bloody hell ):

miss disturbing the teachers , miss walking around the sch compound with the boys , miss slacking and hanging around outside sch , miss walking home together , miss shopping together , miss going jp for star fac tgt . miss sentosa trip , miss class outing . i miss everything ): somebody please organise class outing during june holiday (': ?
i miss everything , but i miss you even more ):
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
ZeroOneZeroFour ♥

Sch today , Boonlay got talent for assembly . After sch headed vb with veronica . Thanks her very much for comforting me . Love her , she accompanied me for vb and till end of vb . Then she went off find her baby . Still much appreciated . Thank you ♥ . E learning day tomorrow (:
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Sch today ~ woke up as early as 5 by bibi's morning call ! Then 5.30 again ~ prepare and met jade at opposite starbucks there . Fairprice extra to be auntie like a JadeYeo :P she saw this sweet 2 for $1++ then she shouted 'eh , for 2 leh' jitao laugh la .
Walk to sch with her . Pe first period with was like living in hell -.- sweat like mother fucker . So lazy to elaborate ya . So end of sch , walk out of gate turn right , met OINKK . LOL , bus to her house downstairs . Waited for her whole babu and Patrick came .
Ride bike to 9head . First rider babu , second was bibi . Coz halfway bibi bike chain drop , LOL please :/ 9head slack . Wait for chinkeong . Ride back to Patrick house . bibi like a fail coz we fell down halfway :x like a ps ! Ride under the rain till blss. LOL . Slack around opposite sch , and home at 4.20 (;
Walk to sch with her . Pe first period with was like living in hell -.- sweat like mother fucker . So lazy to elaborate ya . So end of sch , walk out of gate turn right , met OINKK . LOL , bus to her house downstairs . Waited for her whole babu and Patrick came .
Ride bike to 9head . First rider babu , second was bibi . Coz halfway bibi bike chain drop , LOL please :/ 9head slack . Wait for chinkeong . Ride back to Patrick house . bibi like a fail coz we fell down halfway :x like a ps ! Ride under the rain till blss. LOL . Slack around opposite sch , and home at 4.20 (;
Last min decision , breakfast with sucker on Sunday morning . Study at frontier and gossip alot (; hahaha .
Interchange and Jingying shouted my name across . Like a shy . Accompany jy clarissa Christine for their lunch . Rachel and Ahhao join in too . After that home tgt with christine as the others went mookmook .
Sch was ?? Promised sucker to study hard from today onwards ~ after sch met bibi opposite sch with rachel . Jessica was there too . Then babu and chinkeong came . LOL . Bus to Chinkeong under blk . Waited him , like a long . Cab to stadium for sports day . Home at 5+ .
Interchange and Jingying shouted my name across . Like a shy . Accompany jy clarissa Christine for their lunch . Rachel and Ahhao join in too . After that home tgt with christine as the others went mookmook .
Sch was ?? Promised sucker to study hard from today onwards ~ after sch met bibi opposite sch with rachel . Jessica was there too . Then babu and chinkeong came . LOL . Bus to Chinkeong under blk . Waited him , like a long . Cab to stadium for sports day . Home at 5+ .
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Happy first month mousieee & piggy ! ♥
Happy birthday to Joseph brother , and Yanqing ((: and also , April fool ! Kena fooled lot of time ):
Sch today was a thumbs down . I don't like sch . I don't like y class .
After sch met Amelia outside sch together with Jade and Yuxuan . After that walk back Met Veronica and kellie for training .
Ish > 7-11 with Veronica . Canteen to talk talk .. Told her my feelings . Love her coz she understands . Back to ish next .
Vent my anger on volley . Pathetic max . Was kinda angry , keep punching the vb pole . Keep throwing the ball like free . Sorry pole and sorry ball .
Sabo-ed Yanqing (: and then home at 5+
0104 ♥.♥
Happy birthday to Joseph brother , and Yanqing ((: and also , April fool ! Kena fooled lot of time ):
Sch today was a thumbs down . I don't like sch . I don't like y class .
After sch met Amelia outside sch together with Jade and Yuxuan . After that walk back Met Veronica and kellie for training .
Ish > 7-11 with Veronica . Canteen to talk talk .. Told her my feelings . Love her coz she understands . Back to ish next .
Vent my anger on volley . Pathetic max . Was kinda angry , keep punching the vb pole . Keep throwing the ball like free . Sorry pole and sorry ball .
Sabo-ed Yanqing (: and then home at 5+
0104 ♥.♥
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sch today . Tired like fuck . After sch , met my very irritatingbibi @.@ sat under block till Amelia is out of house , walk to jp .
6 level to slack while waiting for that da xiao jie . Met her and Mac for lunch . Ate nugget jitao funny lo :x oops . Eat until 2nd last piece then almost fall asleep thn the nugget drop x.x LOL !!! Lame !
Went to print pictures after that . Outside starfac to slack till 3+ almost 4 coz somebody wants to jihong @.@ mother fucker -.- LOL . Home after that . Suckish day .
6 level to slack while waiting for that da xiao jie . Met her and Mac for lunch . Ate nugget jitao funny lo :x oops . Eat until 2nd last piece then almost fall asleep thn the nugget drop x.x LOL !!! Lame !
Went to print pictures after that . Outside starfac to slack till 3+ almost 4 coz somebody wants to jihong @.@ mother fucker -.- LOL . Home after that . Suckish day .
Friday, March 25, 2011
Kind of forget who you are coz you are a total changed person .
24 march .
Sch kinda slack ? No late day co got election . A few free periods . Mother tongue sucks coz mdm loo come kp me for no reason ): wan kp go toilet and kp la ))): ite shoot her until she bwg .
After sch met Nina Outside sch, jp with her , Amelia , Jade and Rachel . Jade and Rachel went off first . Letterbox , walk around , Mac for their lunch . Letterbox saw Christine and co. accompany then go Mac eat . Up to zone x sit sit .
Waited for Samuel , accompany him go eat at kfc . Walk walk around , ended up at pasar malam . Slack around went sit sit at the rock there . Chit chat all the way gossip also uh :P hahaha , 6+ headed to durian mpire . The 3 of them went eating and off to letterbox , home after that -.-
25 march .
Sch sucks . But fun with Sandra . I love her . Lots and lots of stunts with her . Hahaha , love ms Liza markers coz we were drawing rainbowwwwww :P jade wasn't in sch today coz she wasnt feeling well , get well soon k ? ^-^ played catching with mr mak today ! I likeeeeee ! Hahahhaa :P walk out of class and hide inside 3/6 all the boys helping me hide lo :$ and also Marsya and afiqah :P after that came put then lots of people asking me where i hide :$ LOL
home with ameliaaaaa after that ! Hehe .
Sch kinda slack ? No late day co got election . A few free periods . Mother tongue sucks coz mdm loo come kp me for no reason ): wan kp go toilet and kp la ))): ite shoot her until she bwg .
After sch met Nina Outside sch, jp with her , Amelia , Jade and Rachel . Jade and Rachel went off first . Letterbox , walk around , Mac for their lunch . Letterbox saw Christine and co. accompany then go Mac eat . Up to zone x sit sit .
Waited for Samuel , accompany him go eat at kfc . Walk walk around , ended up at pasar malam . Slack around went sit sit at the rock there . Chit chat all the way gossip also uh :P hahaha , 6+ headed to durian mpire . The 3 of them went eating and off to letterbox , home after that -.-
25 march .
Sch sucks . But fun with Sandra . I love her . Lots and lots of stunts with her . Hahaha , love ms Liza markers coz we were drawing rainbowwwwww :P jade wasn't in sch today coz she wasnt feeling well , get well soon k ? ^-^ played catching with mr mak today ! I likeeeeee ! Hahahhaa :P walk out of class and hide inside 3/6 all the boys helping me hide lo :$ and also Marsya and afiqah :P after that came put then lots of people asking me where i hide :$ LOL
home with ameliaaaaa after that ! Hehe .
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Not a good day for you for me for he for she , really aren't a good day to start .
Raining early in the morning , stupid me for being too tired that I fell asleep without charging my phone x.x dieeeeee ! Batt left with 44% like a pathetic . Really aren't a good day to start with .
May seems that I'm happy on the outside but actually hurts on the inside . I didn't know . You didn't understand well enough I guess . Feel like shutting myself down coz I aren't strong enough . I was never strong , I'm afraid of falling , I'm afraid like what you're afraid of .
Not many things have been happening but to me it's quite alot even though you dont think so . Lots of things unsolved , and couldn't be solve . Idk why , hahaha , got a feeling of things ending ? Or perhaps the world I ending . Ohohoh ~
High jump today was a blast ! Clear a certain height but got myself injured on my lower back . Fml please . Even sit down Also will pain lo . Love jihonging my sofa hahha , and I think I fell in love with it x.x dieee , hahaha .
Hope it don't rain the next morning so i can go sch peacefully ^-^ but please rain during sch hours , not too cold like today coz I'm freezing like hell and step one fever Infront of mrsoh therefore cheated 2 period of his poa lesson ^^ clever girl , yes !
Raining early in the morning , stupid me for being too tired that I fell asleep without charging my phone x.x dieeeeee ! Batt left with 44% like a pathetic . Really aren't a good day to start with .
May seems that I'm happy on the outside but actually hurts on the inside . I didn't know . You didn't understand well enough I guess . Feel like shutting myself down coz I aren't strong enough . I was never strong , I'm afraid of falling , I'm afraid like what you're afraid of .
Not many things have been happening but to me it's quite alot even though you dont think so . Lots of things unsolved , and couldn't be solve . Idk why , hahaha , got a feeling of things ending ? Or perhaps the world I ending . Ohohoh ~
High jump today was a blast ! Clear a certain height but got myself injured on my lower back . Fml please . Even sit down Also will pain lo . Love jihonging my sofa hahha , and I think I fell in love with it x.x dieee , hahaha .
Hope it don't rain the next morning so i can go sch peacefully ^-^ but please rain during sch hours , not too cold like today coz I'm freezing like hell and step one fever Infront of mrsoh therefore cheated 2 period of his poa lesson ^^ clever girl , yes !
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Great day ytd with great people ((: met Amelia and of to Jp meet Nina . Christine came . Letterbox > starfac > letterbox . Took photos . Yiling came after that . Xcraft next . Wanted to pierce 2nd helix , but then they say difficult so pierce right ear 5th hole . While Nina pierce helix . Susan came .
Slack awhile and off to letterbox again . Waited for Weijun , Jackie and zhizhen . Headed off to mrt . Train to jookoon then to somerset . Walk to cineleisure after that . Pasta mania for lunch which is (N) oops :x headed off to scape . Me Nina and Christine went off to zonex while Amelia susan yiling went flea market . And the guys dunno go where .
After that guys came down to look for the others . Ljs next . Then went withdraw money with Nina and Weijun . Back to ljs . Slack and stuffs . Me Nina Jackie Zhizhen walk off . They went smoking . Then blablablaaaaa . After that headed off to marina barrage .
Photo taking session . LOL . Christine kite totally cmi lo :x can't fly oneeeee ~ at 8+ Jingying and clarissa came . Put hotair balloon :o tot cannot put then they put . Police came ah , hahaha , then at first all act innocent diamdiam then Susan suddenly say is us lo . LOL like a funny .
Slack slack all the way till 10+ went off to take bus . 502 jitao back to jurong . On bus damn squeezy coz of christine lo :@@ fake ~ sleep all the way bus got woken up afew times @.@ that pig send me back home after that . Home @ 11.40pm . A great day actually , sch tmr like a shag . I don't wan :( didn't enjoy enough .. Giving pe and CCA a miss tmr (:
Slack awhile and off to letterbox again . Waited for Weijun , Jackie and zhizhen . Headed off to mrt . Train to jookoon then to somerset . Walk to cineleisure after that . Pasta mania for lunch which is (N) oops :x headed off to scape . Me Nina and Christine went off to zonex while Amelia susan yiling went flea market . And the guys dunno go where .
After that guys came down to look for the others . Ljs next . Then went withdraw money with Nina and Weijun . Back to ljs . Slack and stuffs . Me Nina Jackie Zhizhen walk off . They went smoking . Then blablablaaaaa . After that headed off to marina barrage .
Photo taking session . LOL . Christine kite totally cmi lo :x can't fly oneeeee ~ at 8+ Jingying and clarissa came . Put hotair balloon :o tot cannot put then they put . Police came ah , hahaha , then at first all act innocent diamdiam then Susan suddenly say is us lo . LOL like a funny .
Slack slack all the way till 10+ went off to take bus . 502 jitao back to jurong . On bus damn squeezy coz of christine lo :@@ fake ~ sleep all the way bus got woken up afew times @.@ that pig send me back home after that . Home @ 11.40pm . A great day actually , sch tmr like a shag . I don't wan :( didn't enjoy enough .. Giving pe and CCA a miss tmr (:
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Met Nina under her house for like half an hour then she wan to come down -.- so slow like a dog , fake ! Hahhaa , went under her block then she come down then went to Jp . Like ahhai lime that all say meet 3 ite all lateeeeee ! LOL . Treated her mos burger like a goooood (Y) chinkeong came , treated him to , money fly ahhhhh ! Lol .
Amelia and Christine came after that , followed by Susan and Weijun , thn yiling ^^ slack around wait for chinkeong to finish eating . Letterbox next . The starfac then letterbox the golden village to buy ticket .
Caught Gnomeo an Juliet with Nina amelia Susan yiling Christine Weijun chinkeong jackie . Combo shared with piggy .. Movie till 6.10 letterbox againnnn . LOL . Up to starfac piggy wan to run car . LOL , pao che :x after that went off to 664E to slack . Jingying and Clarissa came after that . So piggy went Emo one corner and went to look for her . Yiling and Amelia join in too .
Ohoh ! Huatzai kind of xiasuey I think ! Coz she kena rejected for buying cig ! Hahaha . Then she jitao xiasuey until don't dare go in the shop :P LOL . After that , something happen , LOLOL , back to Jp with Amelia to meet Susan and Christine . Home after that @ 9.30 .
Town tmr , don't feel like going ? Dunno ??? Like a tiredddd . Sch starting in 123 days time :((( or is it 2 ??
Amelia and Christine came after that , followed by Susan and Weijun , thn yiling ^^ slack around wait for chinkeong to finish eating . Letterbox next . The starfac then letterbox the golden village to buy ticket .
Caught Gnomeo an Juliet with Nina amelia Susan yiling Christine Weijun chinkeong jackie . Combo shared with piggy .. Movie till 6.10 letterbox againnnn . LOL . Up to starfac piggy wan to run car . LOL , pao che :x after that went off to 664E to slack . Jingying and Clarissa came after that . So piggy went Emo one corner and went to look for her . Yiling and Amelia join in too .
Ohoh ! Huatzai kind of xiasuey I think ! Coz she kena rejected for buying cig ! Hahaha . Then she jitao xiasuey until don't dare go in the shop :P LOL . After that , something happen , LOLOL , back to Jp with Amelia to meet Susan and Christine . Home after that @ 9.30 .
Town tmr , don't feel like going ? Dunno ??? Like a tiredddd . Sch starting in 123 days time :((( or is it 2 ??
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Training now , totally pissed off . Jitao no mood to play . Don't like me in the team them must well tell coach uh . Tsk , don't come and act friendly to me telling me to play -.- eeeeeeeeeew max ! My blog my says , I don't care . My mouth , you can't control what I wan to say .
Ownself never do gym then tell use do , sit down do also is coach say one then you wan one scold us can sit down ah -.- jitao moodless la . Frankly speaking , I dislike my team , yes , I don't like -.-
Ownself never do gym then tell use do , sit down do also is coach say one then you wan one scold us can sit down ah -.- jitao moodless la . Frankly speaking , I dislike my team , yes , I don't like -.-
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Sl camp was really a thumbs down for it (N) seriously idk what to say , not well organized I think ? And the attitude of those sec 1s was really a no ! Bwg ya -.-
Sunday met pig went babu house watch show , cck ite with father side family which was great gossiping with xm and her family only ! Hahaha , Jp > back home to back bag .
Monday met Nicole and assemble at hall ? Humans room put bag then activities ? Then all the way till lunch time , check into our 'room' with only 13 people sleeping in it ! I likeeeee ^^ same room as Ebel , su , jiahui , tg , nick , hy , sh , an also some of the sec ones which idk idk who :P kind of forgot :x oops , but still best room mates ever lo the 12 of them :P
At night never sleep talk about ghost , then accompany Ebel su agnes to toilet , went to boys block , then dw and one xdd accompany :x LOL . Back to classroom chatted all the way with piggggy ^-^ all the way till 2+ and and and , almost fell asleep while talking to her . Oops :P hahaha . Kup and jitao fall asleep.
Next day amazing race , the group jitao CUI lo -'- especially the LENNON . yuck max . Oops :x seriously , I see no point in you calling me to shut up when it's my mouth . Hahaha , 'D' personality so what ? Big fuck sibo ? -.- jitao no mold for amazing race and didnt participate not even 50% . aku ma si lan lan -.-
And teachers say will let us off at 3pm SHARP , but in the end let us off at 4 -.- pathetic much , poor piggy have to wait for me outside sch for 1 hour :( pathetic much and I feel so guilty :( :( hahaha , LOL , so ya pig came to fetch me , 99 to 9head and pig went off . Bus home after that . Fall asleep while waiting for piggy's message which is so long :( and so I didn't even know I feel asleep :(
Today ?? Woke up at 7.45 bath and prepared off to meet piggy at buzz . Kfc to accompany pig to eat (N) oinkkkk ! Waited for Susan to finish eating , 180 to cck ite . Walk around like some ahhai :x hahaha , then their friends came . LOL , register and piggy can't lo :( coz of her hair colour and length -.- sibeh tiki siak she .. Bwg .
LOL , bus back Jp . Letter box wait for her to finish smoking -.- bus to sch with pig and she went off . Training like a shag , totally restless and no mood . Hahaha bye , training tmr all the way from 9-4 -.- coach ong somemore .. Gg.
Sunday met pig went babu house watch show , cck ite with father side family which was great gossiping with xm and her family only ! Hahaha , Jp > back home to back bag .
Monday met Nicole and assemble at hall ? Humans room put bag then activities ? Then all the way till lunch time , check into our 'room' with only 13 people sleeping in it ! I likeeeee ^^ same room as Ebel , su , jiahui , tg , nick , hy , sh , an also some of the sec ones which idk idk who :P kind of forgot :x oops , but still best room mates ever lo the 12 of them :P
At night never sleep talk about ghost , then accompany Ebel su agnes to toilet , went to boys block , then dw and one xdd accompany :x LOL . Back to classroom chatted all the way with piggggy ^-^ all the way till 2+ and and and , almost fell asleep while talking to her . Oops :P hahaha . Kup and jitao fall asleep.
Next day amazing race , the group jitao CUI lo -'- especially the LENNON . yuck max . Oops :x seriously , I see no point in you calling me to shut up when it's my mouth . Hahaha , 'D' personality so what ? Big fuck sibo ? -.- jitao no mold for amazing race and didnt participate not even 50% . aku ma si lan lan -.-
And teachers say will let us off at 3pm SHARP , but in the end let us off at 4 -.- pathetic much , poor piggy have to wait for me outside sch for 1 hour :( pathetic much and I feel so guilty :( :( hahaha , LOL , so ya pig came to fetch me , 99 to 9head and pig went off . Bus home after that . Fall asleep while waiting for piggy's message which is so long :( and so I didn't even know I feel asleep :(
Today ?? Woke up at 7.45 bath and prepared off to meet piggy at buzz . Kfc to accompany pig to eat (N) oinkkkk ! Waited for Susan to finish eating , 180 to cck ite . Walk around like some ahhai :x hahaha , then their friends came . LOL , register and piggy can't lo :( coz of her hair colour and length -.- sibeh tiki siak she .. Bwg .
LOL , bus back Jp . Letter box wait for her to finish smoking -.- bus to sch with pig and she went off . Training like a shag , totally restless and no mood . Hahaha bye , training tmr all the way from 9-4 -.- coach ong somemore .. Gg.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday was kind of great i should say ? Yes no ?
Met piggy under her house wait her until can dieeeee ! Fake :o went over 6head playground slack . She teach me alot of bad things ah !!! Bad pig (N) :P waited for Yixuan and co and went over gekpoh , rented shows and up to his house . They gave him the wrong cd ended up watch shows from mio tv :x watch fireball and idk what show .
Chinkeong came over after his tuition ; and I fucking swear that they are fucking horny :x oops :P laugh all the way like a funny , LOL . 1740 sh sent me down to busstop accompany me wait bus . Home at 6+ . bath and prepared , off to cck ite .
Dinner with father side family . Daddy had like 5/6 siblings , we only gam with his elder brother family only lo . Is like most close with them only lo . So dinner sat with them 1 table , laugh until peng . Seriously bth lo :x Jp after that , home at 10+
Camp tmr like a shag :( hope holiday plan will be successful , but now , something seems to happen to piggy :( haish . Fuck only lo -.- tsk , spoiler la :( :(
Met piggy under her house wait her until can dieeeee ! Fake :o went over 6head playground slack . She teach me alot of bad things ah !!! Bad pig (N) :P waited for Yixuan and co and went over gekpoh , rented shows and up to his house . They gave him the wrong cd ended up watch shows from mio tv :x watch fireball and idk what show .
Chinkeong came over after his tuition ; and I fucking swear that they are fucking horny :x oops :P laugh all the way like a funny , LOL . 1740 sh sent me down to busstop accompany me wait bus . Home at 6+ . bath and prepared , off to cck ite .
Dinner with father side family . Daddy had like 5/6 siblings , we only gam with his elder brother family only lo . Is like most close with them only lo . So dinner sat with them 1 table , laugh until peng . Seriously bth lo :x Jp after that , home at 10+
Camp tmr like a shag :( hope holiday plan will be successful , but now , something seems to happen to piggy :( haish . Fuck only lo -.- tsk , spoiler la :( :(
Sunday was kind of great i should say ? Yes no ?
Met piggy under her house wait her until can dieeeee ! Fake :o went over 6head playground slack . She teach me alot of bad things ah !!! Bad pig (N) :P waited for Yixuan and co and went over gekpoh , rented shows and up to his house . They gave him the wrong cd ended up watch shows from mio tv :x watch fireball and idk what show .
Chinkeong came over after his tuition ; and I fucking swear that they are fucking horny :x oops :P laugh all the way like a funny , LOL . 1740 sh sent me down to busstop accompany me wait bus . Home at 6+ . bath and prepared , off to cck ite .
Dinner with father side family . Daddy had like 5/6 siblings , we only gam with his elder brother family only lo . Is like most close with them only lo . So dinner sat with them 1 table , laugh until peng . Seriously bth lo :x Jp after that , home at 10+
Camp tmr like a shag :( hope holiday plan will be successful , but now , something seems to happen to piggy :( haish . Fuck only lo -.- tsk , spoiler la :( :(
Met piggy under her house wait her until can dieeeee ! Fake :o went over 6head playground slack . She teach me alot of bad things ah !!! Bad pig (N) :P waited for Yixuan and co and went over gekpoh , rented shows and up to his house . They gave him the wrong cd ended up watch shows from mio tv :x watch fireball and idk what show .
Chinkeong came over after his tuition ; and I fucking swear that they are fucking horny :x oops :P laugh all the way like a funny , LOL . 1740 sh sent me down to busstop accompany me wait bus . Home at 6+ . bath and prepared , off to cck ite .
Dinner with father side family . Daddy had like 5/6 siblings , we only gam with his elder brother family only lo . Is like most close with them only lo . So dinner sat with them 1 table , laugh until peng . Seriously bth lo :x Jp after that , home at 10+
Camp tmr like a shag :( hope holiday plan will be successful , but now , something seems to happen to piggy :( haish . Fuck only lo -.- tsk , spoiler la :( :(
Friday, March 11, 2011
Sch today kind of slackyy but I like . Hahha . My don't-want-to-go-sch plan this morning failed :( mummy manage to wake me up at 630 :( :( arghhhhh !!! So prepare and off to sch .
Mt period and there steal chicken touch dog with rachel . Chelcheltong leh ! Hahaha :P makan makan the tidbits bought by her . Steal chicken touch dog coz we don't wan history to repeat like yesterday big bag from tanchuan ! Hahaha :P
Langman with rachel today coz both jade and Amelia meiyou lai :( jade not feeling well :( get well soon ok ? ♥ and Amelia over slept ah !!! Tsk :P sel walk around with rachel round the sch . Accompany Yuxuan to listen go her geog lesson :P hahaha . Back to class and English :( pathetic much .
After sch cca . Went around looking for keys . Adibah accompany me ^^ hehehe , ish to set up net and everything . Warm up and stuffs . Lots of thing . Match was kind of funnnnnn (: after vb slack around canteen with my boyf ! ♥ hehehe . Slack and walk around I like (: 6+ call papa and send her homeeeeeeee ^-^
Holidays are here :( out on this coming Sunday , StudentLeaders camp on Monday and tuesday :( can I not wear track pants ? :x wednesday and thursday training from 9-4 . pathetic much :o but it's ok I like leh . Hahaha ! Sat maybe town ?? Haha idk :P 2 days never meet sweetheart piggy oinkoink liao :( so miss her ya . Not ^^ kkk byebye so tiredddd .
Mt period and there steal chicken touch dog with rachel . Chelcheltong leh ! Hahaha :P makan makan the tidbits bought by her . Steal chicken touch dog coz we don't wan history to repeat like yesterday big bag from tanchuan ! Hahaha :P
Langman with rachel today coz both jade and Amelia meiyou lai :( jade not feeling well :( get well soon ok ? ♥ and Amelia over slept ah !!! Tsk :P sel walk around with rachel round the sch . Accompany Yuxuan to listen go her geog lesson :P hahaha . Back to class and English :( pathetic much .
After sch cca . Went around looking for keys . Adibah accompany me ^^ hehehe , ish to set up net and everything . Warm up and stuffs . Lots of thing . Match was kind of funnnnnn (: after vb slack around canteen with my boyf ! ♥ hehehe . Slack and walk around I like (: 6+ call papa and send her homeeeeeeee ^-^
Holidays are here :( out on this coming Sunday , StudentLeaders camp on Monday and tuesday :( can I not wear track pants ? :x wednesday and thursday training from 9-4 . pathetic much :o but it's ok I like leh . Hahaha ! Sat maybe town ?? Haha idk :P 2 days never meet sweetheart piggy oinkoink liao :( so miss her ya . Not ^^ kkk byebye so tiredddd .
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
I love today coz I manage to catch up with PIGGY ((: and ya , I have a new sister which is 19years old :o :x you know I know ah ! ♥
Hahahhaa , clementi > koi > walk around . Took Bus 99 to 400+ and slack . Back to sch for cca . Cca was kind of slack ^-^ I like . And I fin myself childish , laughing to myself like mad just to entertain everybody :x
Keep singing doremeeeee , and abc and Indian song with minna :x okay , it's like real funny la ! I love Yixin Hanisah and minna during training coz I will always entertain myself during training then they will keep laugh at my stunts :( :( but I like !! Hahaha
So Cecilia came back to boonlay ! Great catch up with her tgt with nicole ! Hahaha , I like :P keep laugh until bueytahan during training :x LOL . Match after that was great ! Hahaha
And ya , parents nowadays damn KP towards anybody . Not my parent FYI . It's my junior parent that KP nicole on phone with the damn Laolan attitude . Shoot until Nicole Bwg lo :( should have tell me about it then i go talk mah ! -.- seriously this kind of parent can go and die sua , kkk , no karma please , but seriously , join vb then come training la , don't excuse many Many , not happy quit then ! -.- need run is like confirm one mah , it's fair to everybody . Imagine you not have to run 10 round around bb court and we run 5 round around and also 5 times up and down ish , imagine how tired . Yes we volunteer to run up and down to train on our physical mah ! 10 rounds no cake ok ?? -.- say until whole family vb player then your mother dunno physical important to vb sibo ?? -'- so much to say but I shouldn't continue coz it's boring . Byebyeeeee !!!!
Today I spent almost $30 . $10 for cab , $10 for MBM , $10 for koi + cab .
Hahahhaa , clementi > koi > walk around . Took Bus 99 to 400+ and slack . Back to sch for cca . Cca was kind of slack ^-^ I like . And I fin myself childish , laughing to myself like mad just to entertain everybody :x
Keep singing doremeeeee , and abc and Indian song with minna :x okay , it's like real funny la ! I love Yixin Hanisah and minna during training coz I will always entertain myself during training then they will keep laugh at my stunts :( :( but I like !! Hahaha
So Cecilia came back to boonlay ! Great catch up with her tgt with nicole ! Hahaha , I like :P keep laugh until bueytahan during training :x LOL . Match after that was great ! Hahaha
And ya , parents nowadays damn KP towards anybody . Not my parent FYI . It's my junior parent that KP nicole on phone with the damn Laolan attitude . Shoot until Nicole Bwg lo :( should have tell me about it then i go talk mah ! -.- seriously this kind of parent can go and die sua , kkk , no karma please , but seriously , join vb then come training la , don't excuse many Many , not happy quit then ! -.- need run is like confirm one mah , it's fair to everybody . Imagine you not have to run 10 round around bb court and we run 5 round around and also 5 times up and down ish , imagine how tired . Yes we volunteer to run up and down to train on our physical mah ! 10 rounds no cake ok ?? -.- say until whole family vb player then your mother dunno physical important to vb sibo ?? -'- so much to say but I shouldn't continue coz it's boring . Byebyeeeee !!!!
Today I spent almost $30 . $10 for cab , $10 for MBM , $10 for koi + cab .
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Sch was rather boring but I like pe o for today coz it high jump and and I manage to jump over 1.1m for the fucking first time without the pole dropping ^-^ *proud* hahaha
Maths was kind of fun chatting with Reena , ok idk her new name :x I like Reena . Hahaha , talk and talk with her until mr lee pekchek :( hahaha :x but I really like sitting with her coz we will laugh like mad when talking :P
Pe was -'- LOL , recess followed by POA . I can say POA was the best lesson so far . And I swear it is ! Hahaha , and ya , laugh until peng together with Sandra and Joanna , really laugh until my throat pain my stomach pain , until mr soh walk to our seat . Seriously peng :x Eugene took my phonieee to playyyy ! And when Eugene was playing games Qiwen went spamming call to not let him play . Like a funnnnnny ^-^ joker .
And then I was complaining how much I miss 2e6 alot alot alot alot to Sandra Qiwen and Eugene . But Qiwen never listen :@@@ LOL , I keep complaining how stress sec 3 is and how sucks sec 3 life was :( I really don't like , at that time I really really feel like crying coz I really miss 2e6 alot :( fucking lots :'(
So ya , 2 free period for English and mr ang stills remember me, 2 years ago :$ chit chatted with him and he ask about my homework and all that . LOL like a weirddddd ! But I like :x end sch walk out with darling ~ and her mama like a cute tell me be goodgirl and go home :$ LOL .
daddy fetch me home straight and bath . Prepare and off to bugis . Makan and walk around bugis street , both legs sour like no tmr :( :( bought 3 or 4 tops and 2 bottoms and I forgot what . Yewtee for dinner until i wan puke :x home at 9.15 .
Ohya ; and also I realized I've been neglecting my friends this few days and I myself think I've change -.- argh . Don't like but , Haizxc , everything was so fine back then . Everyone wished for a better 2011 but it seemed to be worst that 2010 -.- so ya I rather 2010 lo . Time machine pleaseeeeeeee :( :(
So ya , to all my friends , buyao sad sad , especially JadeYeo , coz I know why . You aren't alone , anything just talk to me (: sorry for neglecting you this few days coz I think I neglected you , not caring for you :$ but still smile ok ! Don't let THEM bring you down !!!' NOT WORTH ! heheheh , ♥♥♥
Long post , I like ^^ hahhaha but too wordy i don't like x.x kkk , bye-bye ^^
Didn't get to see piggy today x.x
Maths was kind of fun chatting with Reena , ok idk her new name :x I like Reena . Hahaha , talk and talk with her until mr lee pekchek :( hahaha :x but I really like sitting with her coz we will laugh like mad when talking :P
Pe was -'- LOL , recess followed by POA . I can say POA was the best lesson so far . And I swear it is ! Hahaha , and ya , laugh until peng together with Sandra and Joanna , really laugh until my throat pain my stomach pain , until mr soh walk to our seat . Seriously peng :x Eugene took my phonieee to playyyy ! And when Eugene was playing games Qiwen went spamming call to not let him play . Like a funnnnnny ^-^ joker .
And then I was complaining how much I miss 2e6 alot alot alot alot to Sandra Qiwen and Eugene . But Qiwen never listen :@@@ LOL , I keep complaining how stress sec 3 is and how sucks sec 3 life was :( I really don't like , at that time I really really feel like crying coz I really miss 2e6 alot :( fucking lots :'(
So ya , 2 free period for English and mr ang stills remember me, 2 years ago :$ chit chatted with him and he ask about my homework and all that . LOL like a weirddddd ! But I like :x end sch walk out with darling ~ and her mama like a cute tell me be goodgirl and go home :$ LOL .
daddy fetch me home straight and bath . Prepare and off to bugis . Makan and walk around bugis street , both legs sour like no tmr :( :( bought 3 or 4 tops and 2 bottoms and I forgot what . Yewtee for dinner until i wan puke :x home at 9.15 .
Ohya ; and also I realized I've been neglecting my friends this few days and I myself think I've change -.- argh . Don't like but , Haizxc , everything was so fine back then . Everyone wished for a better 2011 but it seemed to be worst that 2010 -.- so ya I rather 2010 lo . Time machine pleaseeeeeeee :( :(
So ya , to all my friends , buyao sad sad , especially JadeYeo , coz I know why . You aren't alone , anything just talk to me (: sorry for neglecting you this few days coz I think I neglected you , not caring for you :$ but still smile ok ! Don't let THEM bring you down !!!' NOT WORTH ! heheheh , ♥♥♥
Long post , I like ^^ hahhaha but too wordy i don't like x.x kkk , bye-bye ^^
Didn't get to see piggy today x.x
Monday, March 7, 2011
So tired of life , so tired of school , so tired of everything in life ..
As usual everyday was school and school and school . And I swear sch was real bored :( but it's ok , for the sake of studying . Basically , chit chat on phone with piggy last night for 2 hours 17 mins , but had a little break in-between and continue. Hahaha , talk about lots and lots of things , knowing how stupid , how naive pig was . LOL , I don't care . Tskkkk :x LOL .
Had cca just now which was kind of fun , for the first time hyper until cannot . Shout here and there like free one , shout until no voice :x but still have ah. Hahaha , and I keep spout vulgarity today at vb which is a sad thing ah :'( :'( I dw siak , but seriously pissed off :( nvm nvm . LOLOL . Chill chill (:
Doing my homework now which is like a torture , so bored :( and I'm so tired of doing summary :( :( and i wan pig to smile leh . So pisses off siak , everytime so emotional coz of HER , totally bwg leh :( :( no comments ah , tag after you read k pig :P thank for your slurpee hahaha , much loved :$ and also my hearts . LOLOL !!!! Tag la .
So pissed off like a dog now coz my internet connection sucks :'(
As usual everyday was school and school and school . And I swear sch was real bored :( but it's ok , for the sake of studying . Basically , chit chat on phone with piggy last night for 2 hours 17 mins , but had a little break in-between and continue. Hahaha , talk about lots and lots of things , knowing how stupid , how naive pig was . LOL , I don't care . Tskkkk :x LOL .
Had cca just now which was kind of fun , for the first time hyper until cannot . Shout here and there like free one , shout until no voice :x but still have ah. Hahaha , and I keep spout vulgarity today at vb which is a sad thing ah :'( :'( I dw siak , but seriously pissed off :( nvm nvm . LOLOL . Chill chill (:
Doing my homework now which is like a torture , so bored :( and I'm so tired of doing summary :( :( and i wan pig to smile leh . So pisses off siak , everytime so emotional coz of HER , totally bwg leh :( :( no comments ah , tag after you read k pig :P thank for your slurpee hahaha , much loved :$ and also my hearts . LOLOL !!!! Tag la .
So pissed off like a dog now coz my internet connection sucks :'(
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Suddenly have the urge to post things here to tell you what im thinking , but i hope everything will still stay the same after you read .
Do you know that day you suddenly went running out of the road without looking out for cars just to chase after her . Do you know how worried I am to see you chasing after her and just chase like as if dunno what will happen . Then you never came back . You know how hurting ?
I like to keep things to myself now . Coz I'm afraid if I was to say anything out , everything will change . I dont wan to lose this friendship and I never wan to lose it . I just don't feel like telling you coz I'm afraid . I'm worry I'm jealous , yes I am . But what can I do ? I only can stood there to see you being good to her , standing by here being jealous .
I don't care , coz I know I can't stop you from doing anything . Still I can see how jealous you get when she was with him , when he went to look for her . Like everything is just so obvious that you are jealous . You do anything to disturb him all because of her . Like what I say jealousy kills . You jealous of her I jealous of you .
Tsk , like a seriously , sometimes I really don't know how to express myself . Still there's lots of things left unsaid but idk how to explain how I feel . I really don't . Sometimes even when you didn't reply my messages , I will start thinking wild , I have no idea why too , I just have the feeling ..
Do you know that day you suddenly went running out of the road without looking out for cars just to chase after her . Do you know how worried I am to see you chasing after her and just chase like as if dunno what will happen . Then you never came back . You know how hurting ?
I like to keep things to myself now . Coz I'm afraid if I was to say anything out , everything will change . I dont wan to lose this friendship and I never wan to lose it . I just don't feel like telling you coz I'm afraid . I'm worry I'm jealous , yes I am . But what can I do ? I only can stood there to see you being good to her , standing by here being jealous .
I don't care , coz I know I can't stop you from doing anything . Still I can see how jealous you get when she was with him , when he went to look for her . Like everything is just so obvious that you are jealous . You do anything to disturb him all because of her . Like what I say jealousy kills . You jealous of her I jealous of you .
Tsk , like a seriously , sometimes I really don't know how to express myself . Still there's lots of things left unsaid but idk how to explain how I feel . I really don't . Sometimes even when you didn't reply my messages , I will start thinking wild , I have no idea why too , I just have the feeling ..
Friday, March 4, 2011
Sweetheart piggy got her baby bu Yao wo liao , and I think she's v stupid and I don't like it . Don't feel like saying anymore because I don't wan to say anymore (: update for the seek of updating coz sh wants me to update so sh can tag -.- never post cannot tag meh :x LOL , I only know she wan her baby looooooo , bu ai ta !!!!!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Hello ah-bery-bordi!
This stupid lazy asshole bitchy girl suping so freaking lazyx123456789 to update her almost-dead blog. So here i am, the cute girl Jade to update her blog! HOHO <: kla cancel away the cute -_- haha.
She love me, i love her. TADA. Updated.
Okla, hmmm she's more active on twitter. Mayb you can catch up w her there!
So sad we different class, >: Cannot piakpiak with her, HAHA fakeeeee. Sighsigh, ilovehervmuch *.* Like srsly HAHA. She is sooooooo stupid+cute+asshole+bitchy. She even made me laugh alone staring at the phone during recess, WTF. Hahaaaa. She never fail to make me laugh, and smile. Thanks chewsusu. Muackx123. Don't be shy, i know you will. Shan't say too much, later tomorrow you keep on front of me show off that i love you. TSKTSK, cannot ah darling. HAHA. Loveyoula ^^ (insertheartz) hiakhiak :3
And lastly, -'- for you. HAHAHHAA. fake ! you know i love you, i know you love me :$ -shy-
see you tomorrow dearestdarling ^-^
Monday, January 17, 2011
Hi , imma tiredgirl . Chatting with laughtee now and I think we are kind of lame but I like it ^_^
During English lesson today we had a compo test and I think I all the way crapping and I for sure gonna fail it :P hehhehe . I crap crap say until but coffin . Fucking funny , I showed to 5 person all say the coffin part funny , I like ^-^
So ya I had vb tournament today , although we lose but we are still so contented like a dog coz the improvement was oh soooo great ! I like it :P
Next tournament on Thursday @ 1 = early dismissal , I like it .
Lol ByeBye ^^ I love BBC ^^
Sunday, January 16, 2011

hihihi , please forgive me coz im too lazy to blog ? basically had camp @ pula ubin which was a great camp , i didnt regret the only thing i dont like is i got sun burn , which is damn black and i dislike it (N)
basically , camp was super awesome spent with the wildboars ;P i specially love the night walk co its really great , you know i know ♥ so ya , thanks for entertaining me throughout the night walk , i like it though it wasnt every second ^^ thanks for allowing me holding your shirt coz im so scareddddd NOT . hahahah , so ya , thanks for stopping to listen to my crap though i was just entertaining myself . LOL .
supposingly going to the cemetry but something crop up i think ? so went round the forest , the dogs keep barking like free coz of .................... you know ? and ya , we heard wildboars but dont get to see them :( some lucky group does see it @#$%^&*( eh wildboars ! we support you call wildboars then ite dont show up :@
so ya , about the water activity , i almost got drown in the sea coz the raft we build was oh nooooo (N) and therefore i drop down the sea , thanks hunney jonathan and mus for pulling me up each coz the thing that we were suppose to wear were too lose ! tsk tsk , no more black one so bobian have to take the orange one , therefore i drown ~ hahaha . i like leh :P
played dog and bone and in a circle hold each other hand and sing abc song . all kena pull down the sea coz we were too noobbbb ~ hahahah :P basically , they said to let our class have bonding tgt but then hor , some of our classmates were being seperated :( and some other class de people join our group , i dont like (N) our class only 25 people go which was pathetic enough coz we had 41 people in our class .
stupid Jade didnt wan to attend becoz she scare she alone and then the result for the group end up me and her in the same group , ahhhh she so stupid :( hahah , kidding ~
and ya , thanks bbc for refilling my water bottle for me when he has already refilled his and he have to went down the stairs and refill for me again :P andand thanks eugene and hafiq for lending their back for me to lie , coz i am so tired and having a great headache on the last day .
i like it coz i know alot people care for me even though we arent that close and i think hafiq is so cute coz i will like suddenly accidently look at him then he suddenly laugh at me which is like LOL ? hahahaha :x
so afterall i enjoy my camp very very much coz i spot you staring blindy at me and when i look at you then you turn away which is so sad like a dog :( hahahah , so ya , thanks to group 11 & 12 . and therefore best camper goes to haqeem congratz to him , coz he was great , i like :) and thanks for always bullying me during camp and i know you like my massage ^-^ hehehe .
and ya , i made a new friend called amy , and she is real great , though she was alone seperated with her other friends but still glad to heard from them that she enjoyed the camp coz she knew a new friend like me :$ hahaha , fake .
so went back sch on friday and saw Jade and co. hug hug with her rachel lijun and yuxuan ~ hehehe , i like coz they hug hug me :$ LOL . so after that from 11 we sit under the sun for 1 hour and move to ish after 15 mins do some sort of cheer then dismiss , wth is this ? LOL cab home with my bibi amelia after that ♥
so end my post here coz im lazy , goodbye to everybody ^-^ bbc ♥
basically , camp was super awesome spent with the wildboars ;P i specially love the night walk co its really great , you know i know ♥ so ya , thanks for entertaining me throughout the night walk , i like it though it wasnt every second ^^ thanks for allowing me holding your shirt coz im so scareddddd NOT . hahahah , so ya , thanks for stopping to listen to my crap though i was just entertaining myself . LOL .
supposingly going to the cemetry but something crop up i think ? so went round the forest , the dogs keep barking like free coz of .................... you know ? and ya , we heard wildboars but dont get to see them :( some lucky group does see it @#$%^&*( eh wildboars ! we support you call wildboars then ite dont show up :@
so ya , about the water activity , i almost got drown in the sea coz the raft we build was oh nooooo (N) and therefore i drop down the sea , thanks hunney jonathan and mus for pulling me up each coz the thing that we were suppose to wear were too lose ! tsk tsk , no more black one so bobian have to take the orange one , therefore i drown ~ hahaha . i like leh :P
played dog and bone and in a circle hold each other hand and sing abc song . all kena pull down the sea coz we were too noobbbb ~ hahahah :P basically , they said to let our class have bonding tgt but then hor , some of our classmates were being seperated :( and some other class de people join our group , i dont like (N) our class only 25 people go which was pathetic enough coz we had 41 people in our class .
stupid Jade didnt wan to attend becoz she scare she alone and then the result for the group end up me and her in the same group , ahhhh she so stupid :( hahah , kidding ~
and ya , thanks bbc for refilling my water bottle for me when he has already refilled his and he have to went down the stairs and refill for me again :P andand thanks eugene and hafiq for lending their back for me to lie , coz i am so tired and having a great headache on the last day .
i like it coz i know alot people care for me even though we arent that close and i think hafiq is so cute coz i will like suddenly accidently look at him then he suddenly laugh at me which is like LOL ? hahahaha :x
so afterall i enjoy my camp very very much coz i spot you staring blindy at me and when i look at you then you turn away which is so sad like a dog :( hahahah , so ya , thanks to group 11 & 12 . and therefore best camper goes to haqeem congratz to him , coz he was great , i like :) and thanks for always bullying me during camp and i know you like my massage ^-^ hehehe .
and ya , i made a new friend called amy , and she is real great , though she was alone seperated with her other friends but still glad to heard from them that she enjoyed the camp coz she knew a new friend like me :$ hahaha , fake .
so went back sch on friday and saw Jade and co. hug hug with her rachel lijun and yuxuan ~ hehehe , i like coz they hug hug me :$ LOL . so after that from 11 we sit under the sun for 1 hour and move to ish after 15 mins do some sort of cheer then dismiss , wth is this ? LOL cab home with my bibi amelia after that ♥
so end my post here coz im lazy , goodbye to everybody ^-^ bbc ♥
ohya , so goodluck for my tournament tmr tgt with the sec4s with nicole and joanna . against nanyang , no matter what take it as training can liao dont so gan chiong ^^ kkkk ? :P hehehe , so just goodluck :)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Heyhey :) I'm so fucking boring and now stuck outside house , sad thing I should say ? So I went around void deck to gaigai and found a place to sit , so windy like a woof woof . I like , but it's cold , therefore I made up my mind to come blogging ^_^
Basically Blss had cca open house on Friday and so all stay until 6+ . ad I hate playing matches , really really hate , and I everytime rejected coach when he tell me to play , really really really very stress , never hit also attitude , hit also attitude , what's the problem man ? Help you all play and cover up then still wan like that , I don't like :(
Keep running over to dance studio to find darling and co . Lijun keep talk talk on phone only ~ hehehe , take pic with them and went back ish . Match again , stop attitude already leh , sibeh fucked up jitao no mood so don't feel like playing = no serious = not alert , then grand senior replaced me .
imma crybaby ... Hate it . Fucking stress like a woof woof -.- went staircase look for Sandra and co . Complain and complain I like it , blast music and they keep say very loud . Oops , but I don't care , sat there staring @ BBC , oops :x hehehehe :$ off to find darling again ^_^ went up ish collect bag and met them again , g.o and sat there with Lijun to wait for my parents .
Otw kena kp again . Tsktsk , sibeh angry . Lol . Sat finished my homework and then lalala now I'm still stuck outside -'- lol , mummy faster come back ~ lol . Ohya , saw this girl from Blss and she keep starestare so idc then second time my turn to stare back then don't dare look -.- wth .
Ohya and BBC , I miss the 19th :( you broke your promise , you said was forever , but it wasn't (N) sorry to say I hate it :( BBC BBC BBC .... -'- lol . ByeBye .
Basically Blss had cca open house on Friday and so all stay until 6+ . ad I hate playing matches , really really hate , and I everytime rejected coach when he tell me to play , really really really very stress , never hit also attitude , hit also attitude , what's the problem man ? Help you all play and cover up then still wan like that , I don't like :(
Keep running over to dance studio to find darling and co . Lijun keep talk talk on phone only ~ hehehe , take pic with them and went back ish . Match again , stop attitude already leh , sibeh fucked up jitao no mood so don't feel like playing = no serious = not alert , then grand senior replaced me .
imma crybaby ... Hate it . Fucking stress like a woof woof -.- went staircase look for Sandra and co . Complain and complain I like it , blast music and they keep say very loud . Oops , but I don't care , sat there staring @ BBC , oops :x hehehehe :$ off to find darling again ^_^ went up ish collect bag and met them again , g.o and sat there with Lijun to wait for my parents .
Otw kena kp again . Tsktsk , sibeh angry . Lol . Sat finished my homework and then lalala now I'm still stuck outside -'- lol , mummy faster come back ~ lol . Ohya , saw this girl from Blss and she keep starestare so idc then second time my turn to stare back then don't dare look -.- wth .
Ohya and BBC , I miss the 19th :( you broke your promise , you said was forever , but it wasn't (N) sorry to say I hate it :( BBC BBC BBC .... -'- lol . ByeBye .
Thursday, January 6, 2011
HIHIHI EVERYBODYYYYYYYYYY ~ i am here to post so happy like a dog coz i have no idea whyyyyy ~ :P
so yadayadayada ~ Monday sentosa with best ♥ only 5 of us went . joseph 1 guy . hahahaa , all bombster (N) had fun heart 2 heart talk talk with JadeYeo ~ i like it coz she is stupid ~ CHEY FAKE ^_^ went palawan there de bridge ~ walk walk , night walk weeeeeee ~ hahahaha . LOL train back @ 8+ and star fac to wait amelia and rachel jubeat and bus home with lia liaaa ~

First day of sch , meet amelia @ 640 bus to schh ~ met Jade rachel . toilet ~ didnt met hx coz she wan late . assemble ~ and back to class ~ like that lo , nth much . after sch slack with the 3 girls . nina and co came . play snow snow , so bad ah @#$%^& sticky and dirty like a woof woof :( nina and weijun keep chasing me under the blk coz i was damn clean . so ya i gave up :( LOL .

so yadayadayada ~ Monday sentosa with best ♥ only 5 of us went . joseph 1 guy . hahahaa , all bombster (N) had fun heart 2 heart talk talk with JadeYeo ~ i like it coz she is stupid ~ CHEY FAKE ^_^ went palawan there de bridge ~ walk walk , night walk weeeeeee ~ hahahaha . LOL train back @ 8+ and star fac to wait amelia and rachel jubeat and bus home with lia liaaa ~
First day of sch , meet amelia @ 640 bus to schh ~ met Jade rachel . toilet ~ didnt met hx coz she wan late . assemble ~ and back to class ~ like that lo , nth much . after sch slack with the 3 girls . nina and co came . play snow snow , so bad ah @#$%^& sticky and dirty like a woof woof :( nina and weijun keep chasing me under the blk coz i was damn clean . so ya i gave up :( LOL .
second day , lalalaa ~ my chem teacher was mrs hong instead of mr yang :( but its okay , mryang dont like me ~ chey fake but i think mrs hong quite good (Y) and ya , ms nala as my bio teacher i like . hahaha , poa change to mr soh . sadgirl ah . BBC ♥ so sorry to disturb im crazy about my BBC :P
but its okay ~ coz i get to sit with lijun in poa class and mr soh say he wont change seating arrangement unless needed . so i love disturbing her in class ~ yayayayay !! BBC ♥ coz i keep lijun lijun lijun when she was using phone and i think i am so irrtating like a dog woof woof ~ right ?? hahahah ~ woof woof . so funny can ? :X
ohya and and rachel and amelia skipped sch today , sad sad ahhhh ~ no bobob's slapping for today :( and i shall get it tmr , sadgirl ~ so there's cca open house tmr ~ and i hope you would be there :( ahhock coming back tomorrowwwwwwww ~ yayness ^^ 123 months since i saw him :P hahaha . yay can see BBC ♥ tmr :P omg ~~~ hahahah i like .
ohohoh ! and i have somehting to say , today during pe o . had javallin* ? was standing beside jiajun and he is so funny like a dog . LOL keep comment and say i pajiao :x LOL and and my show is so funny mudding like a woof woof :( :( i dont like (N) but overall stil is fun i like :P i only dislike the field ~ hehehe
so after sch meet nina opposite sch with jade ^^ and then she bring slipper for me which is damn funny :P LOL , then took rounding and home ~
somehow i learn how to let go of you during september 2010 , which is a great thing and i fucking took 1 year and like HOW GREAT can that be ? and and i fell in love with this guy which is BBC ♥ and i dont think i regret ? even though he change but i still like ? oops ~ and i think he wont hurt me ? maybe ? maybe not ? omg omg , okay , nono r/s for this year , meant for studies only !!! knn la ! LOLOLOLOL . sua sua sua , BBC ♥ byebyebyebye ~
and i wont be updating much , coz its sch time , do follow me and catch me up @ twitter instead . @supinggg :)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
lalala , i am back to posting ? LOL
like nth to blog ? Happy 2011 ^^
a new year a new start :)
and i think this year sch will be kind of sucks ?
maybe ? hehehehe :P LOLOL ~
last monday had see seee aye ~
tuesday was rotting .
wednesday see see aye , like 1 year with coach wq
thursday see see aye also but coach ong came instead ?
i think i like coach ong better ? no idea why ? hahaha ~
FAKE ? LOL :X so after that i rushed to jaypeeee ~
met yuxuan at bus interchange .
star fac to look for the guys so they went smoking while me
and yx go shopping ~ met the at gv , caught the movie yogi bear
with yuxuan qiwen terry melvin wilson gangwee . suppose movie
start @ 1 we 1 + then enter . yx jitao paiseh , she almost fell . LOL
after movie end > shopping > collect my sch skirt and 3.30 bus to
boonlay met rachel .
went jalan jalan @ parsa malam :P the auntie
sibeh kp only lo , attitude sibeh sucks until can shit :x yuck x100 la ._.
'bu ke yi deng yi sia ah' knn , we first leh :P so i say her aiya do until
so not happy must well dont do , rachel turned back and diao her ~
she treated me candy floss (Y) hehehe so we went to sit sit under the
tree there de chair . then got 1 caterpillar fell onthe plastic bag , rachel
jitao stand on the chair like got dog chasing her ~ haha fake :P
so went home @ 4.45
friday went jp with mummy and xm . pizzahut was my treat ~
but im claimming it from daddy like ofc :P hehehe . cotton on to bought
a top and that bag , i like (Y) hehehe :P shop shop @ fairprice xtra till 11+
got down the bus gam gam ho 12 am saw the fireworks from boonlay
wasnt very nice i should say ? oops :X LOL .
so ya , today im staying @ home . 1/1/11 lai ang , stomach jitao pain
until i rolled on the floor :( sadgirl . sentosa with the people who
went ecp on 11/11/10 but this time amelia included ♥ . hehehe , cant
wait to see all of them , miss then so much :$ ♥♥♥♥ !
so this 2011 i hope
- I will really study hard !
- tgt with Jade , our temptations :P
- ofc , vb to achieve something or maybe just show effort and not let that @#$%^&* to look down on us ._.
- I dont wan to turn bad bad like this year coz my mama say so ~
- I wan to get freedom or maybe curfew can already
- I wan more $$ ~ coz imma $_$ yay :P
- I wan to be a happy girl coz i dont wan to be a sadgirl
- I wan you to care eventhough you wont be in blss anymore :( but you seems dont care .
- I dont wan to lose any of my ♥ ones ~ coz I ♥ them :P
like nth to blog ? Happy 2011 ^^
a new year a new start :)
and i think this year sch will be kind of sucks ?
maybe ? hehehehe :P LOLOL ~
last monday had see seee aye ~
tuesday was rotting .
wednesday see see aye , like 1 year with coach wq
thursday see see aye also but coach ong came instead ?
i think i like coach ong better ? no idea why ? hahaha ~
FAKE ? LOL :X so after that i rushed to jaypeeee ~
met yuxuan at bus interchange .
star fac to look for the guys so they went smoking while me
and yx go shopping ~ met the at gv , caught the movie yogi bear
with yuxuan qiwen terry melvin wilson gangwee . suppose movie
start @ 1 we 1 + then enter . yx jitao paiseh , she almost fell . LOL
after movie end > shopping > collect my sch skirt and 3.30 bus to
boonlay met rachel .
went jalan jalan @ parsa malam :P the auntie
sibeh kp only lo , attitude sibeh sucks until can shit :x yuck x100 la ._.
'bu ke yi deng yi sia ah' knn , we first leh :P so i say her aiya do until
so not happy must well dont do , rachel turned back and diao her ~
she treated me candy floss (Y) hehehe so we went to sit sit under the
tree there de chair . then got 1 caterpillar fell onthe plastic bag , rachel
jitao stand on the chair like got dog chasing her ~ haha fake :P
so went home @ 4.45
friday went jp with mummy and xm . pizzahut was my treat ~
but im claimming it from daddy like ofc :P hehehe . cotton on to bought
a top and that bag , i like (Y) hehehe :P shop shop @ fairprice xtra till 11+
got down the bus gam gam ho 12 am saw the fireworks from boonlay
wasnt very nice i should say ? oops :X LOL .
so ya , today im staying @ home . 1/1/11 lai ang , stomach jitao pain
until i rolled on the floor :( sadgirl . sentosa with the people who
went ecp on 11/11/10 but this time amelia included ♥ . hehehe , cant
wait to see all of them , miss then so much :$ ♥♥♥♥ !
so this 2011 i hope
- I will really study hard !
- tgt with Jade , our temptations :P
- ofc , vb to achieve something or maybe just show effort and not let that @#$%^&* to look down on us ._.
- I dont wan to turn bad bad like this year coz my mama say so ~
- I wan to get freedom or maybe curfew can already
- I wan more $$ ~ coz imma $_$ yay :P
- I wan to be a happy girl coz i dont wan to be a sadgirl
- I wan you to care eventhough you wont be in blss anymore :( but you seems dont care .
- I dont wan to lose any of my ♥ ones ~ coz I ♥ them :P
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