darling ♥
sch was like usual ~ first period was eng , was doing corrections and listening to music with dearest earpierce ^^ thanks dearest ^^ hist and was pe ^^ played vb with rachel :o long ever since i played . hehes . recess , followed mrhamim to pe room . took my height and weight :o from jan till now lose 2kg+ ^^ LOL. back to ish to retest my shuttle run . got an A :0 overall for total is gold ^^ LOL . back to class mt was next . boys keep at there dont wan listen to class somemore keep talking and playing ._. cant they just stop being childish ?! LOL.
sci was next ! went comp lab ^^ hahas , i love mryang lesson ^^ hahas , theres this time boys were talking darling cannot take it and scold them diam lehh , mryang go copy her say ya lo diam lehh . super funny got anot ? and whole class was like OFC laughing ~ LOL . after all mryang's lesson today rocks ttm ! :D hahs . im starting to love mryang lesson ^^
kkay , craps ^^ after that went back class . was like sitting there with daring thinking wad to do for our lit ._. in the end we end up in the canteen tabao-ing food up :x hehes . back to class and eat . then chit chit and chat chat :$ hahas . funny lo ~ help darling with her pw board ~~ good me ! (Y) hahas . then no sissor ._. bi lend from darren and pass it to me ^^ loveyou laaaaaa ~ hehes ^^ went to give board and auntie house ^^
DARLING is waiting for my post :$ hahas . kkkay , love you la ^^ bi dont jealous ^^ hehes . OHYA ! show darling my picture when im young :$ she say dont look like me lo . hehes . ofc la :p darling nooooooooob ! k la! actually not , we are the pros among all the prosss ! (Y)