sch was fine today.
morning chatted with Kengleong.
was already very cold still saying cold
jokes ._. cold die me. LOL. funny luhh
him. ^^ LOL.
Eng Mr issac was angry :o
for some reasons ? he deceided
not to take our class for eng next
year. as our attitude towards him
today totally sucks. went the IT room.
then went going out i was somehow
staring behind veronica. and she sae
wad see wad see ._. pls luhh , i also nehh
sae i looking at her ._. then sandra was
at thr saying wad , i noe wad i have you dun
have ? then i was like jitao angry and shoot
back her. was like wtf ? zzzzzzz. damn angry
got pissed of by her ._. then whole day mood
damn bad.then recess.and was art. had test
art test ._. diffcult. was drawing till the end liao
then realise that i drew wrongly ._. so
earease every single thing and redraw. zzz.
waste my time. no time to do. mdm sim add 5 more
min. ^^ then finished it on time.
maths was ._. was late for lesson.
went toilet. LOL. lame.
then stand at the door thr. when
she saying us then the boys was
playing with the tables. then mslee
sae dun wan teach liao. sae wad all
sit down ? then both me and rachel
went back seat and sit. then she nehh
teach. was fooling with shahila rachel
and rashiqah. they were pressing shahila
stomach ? then she was making a damn
strange sound ._. eugene got irritated by
that sound. omg. nice one right ? LOL.
then we playing accidently make drop
veronica de water bottle then sandra was like
purposely or wad ? zzzzz. sae sorry already
wad . also dunnid stare at people stare until
eye ball was drop out like that ._. then was SEL.
sweep floor. and was like the boys area was very
dirty even thought we swept it early in the morning .
then sweep again. Dentention from 1.10 - 1.40pm
then afterthat went library with rachel , bingyang
and co. teach rachel maths. LOL. and she started
at thr zilian ._. zzzz. tell her revise work become
zilian. LOL. bus home with rachel after that.
ehh , walau , dun get the wrong idea okay ?
me and him just friends ^^ chatting only mahh.
LOL. he nt my bf ._. Fren ~ ^^ Lame
remember wad you have said to me.
that is wad u said to me. it does hurts.
it fucking hurt me badly): thats all i
could say.